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Conference paper information

Selection of the best location and investment on equipment for the improvement of continuity of supply in distribution systems

J. Román, J. Rivier, G. Carrillo Caicedo, S. Vicente Ramírez

4th International Conference on Distribution Automation and Demand Side Management - DA/DSM '94, Orlando (United States of America). 17-20 January 1994


Modern utilities usually provides a high quality service. Difficulties arise for the utility when it has to decide where and how much investment should be dedicated to improve the quality fo the service. Continuity of supply is one of the technical aspect (voltage waveform is the other) to be considered regarding the quality of service. This paper describes a methodology for the selection and location within the distribution network, of remote controlled breakers, sectionalisers, isolators and fault indicators for the improvement of continuity of supply. This methodology consists of an automatic search of the best alternative of location and investment of equipment, based on advance reliability analysis and cost/benefit evaluatin. Feeder characteristics, rates of failure, differente repair times, worth of continuity, equipment performance and cost among other factors are taken into account. The distinct function of each type of equipment is considered by analysing their specific effects on the different stages of fault detection, isolation and repair actions. These are modelled by advanced reliability algorithms. The methodology has been developed and implemented in a computer code named Mecon, fo Elétricas Reunidas de Zaragoza of the ENDESA Group in Spain. This tool allows electric utilities to perform systematic reliability and cost/benefit analysis of the investments on continuity fo supply, therefore, investment selection can be quantitatively justified, based on cost and economic value of reliability improvement.

Keywords: distribution systems, reliability, continuity of supply

Publication date: 1994-01-17.

J. Román, J. Rivier, G. Carrillo Caicedo, S. Vicente Ramírez, Selection of the best location and investment on equipment for the improvement of continuity of supply in distribution systems, 4th International Conference on Distribution Automation and Demand Side Management - DA/DSM '94, Orlando (United States of America). 17-20 January 1994.